KAM Realty Listings
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2 Beds,
1 Bath
1,020 sqft
Listed with KAM Realty
MLS 73345633
3 Beds,
2 Baths
1,040 sqft
lot 15,682 sqft
Listed with KAM Realty
MLS 73339991
3,878 sqft
lot 25,701 sqft
Listed with KAM Realty
MLS 73329943
4 Beds,
2 Baths
2,478 sqft
lot 14,811 sqft
Listed with KAM Realty
MLS 73321503
2 Beds,
4 Baths
1,939 sqft
Listed with KAM Realty
MLS 73314017
600 sqft
lot 2,178 sqft
Listed with KAM Realty
MLS 73313743
4 Beds,
4 Baths
2,912 sqft
lot 30,057 sqft
Listed with KAM Realty
MLS 73303648
Price Drop
4 Beds,
3 Baths
2,089 sqft
lot 19,167 sqft
Listed with KAM Realty
MLS 73300997
0 Beds,
0 Bath
lot 1.50 ac
Listed with KAM Realty
MLS 73299740
0 Beds,
0 Bath
lot 5.64 ac
Listed with KAM Realty
MLS 73282416
1,168 sqft
lot 7,841 sqft
Listed with KAM Realty
MLS 73281307
2,436 sqft
lot 10,890 sqft
Listed with KAM Realty
MLS 73280902
3 Beds,
1 Bath
1,200 sqft
lot 1.84 ac
Listed with KAM Realty
MLS 73277497
3 Beds,
1 Bath
1,008 sqft
Listed with KAM Realty
MLS 73272228
4 Beds,
4 Baths
4,050 sqft
lot 1.39 ac
Listed with KAM Realty
MLS 73180168
4 Beds,
3 Baths
3,284 sqft
lot 1.38 ac
Listed with KAM Realty
MLS 73122381
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